


Mushroom - 200 gms
Coriander leaves
Curry leaves
Salt to taste
Onion (small ) - 1/2 cup chopped
Tomato - 1 big chopped finely
Chilli powder - 2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp


Coconut pieces - 7 
Green chillies - 3
Fennel seeds - 1 tsp


1) Heat oil in a pan . Once hot , saute onion and tomato till soft and tender .
2) Add curry leaves and spice powders .
3)Add the grinded masala with little water and salt . Cook in slow with a lid till the oil separates out.

4) Followed by chopped mushrooms and mix well .Cook till the oil separates out.
Serve hot with Idli/Roti /Poori

Linking it up with Fast Food - Mushroom event .



Unknown said...

yummy and tempting:)

Unknown said...

looks like chicken to me :) nice preparation..

Unknown said...

Looks delicious

Unknown said...

Almost thought of mutton chops, love the rich gravy!

Me & More ... said...

An amazing Mushroom gravy Shama... Nice colors tempting.

Unknown said...

Looks so yummy :) must have been so good

Unknown said...

Looks spicy and mouthwatering

Unknown said...

nice gravey

ongoing event: http://www.en-iniyaillam.com/2013/02/announcing-passion-on-plate-giveaway.html?m=1

foodydelight said...

Hello shama,

Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog. Happy to follow you dear. Do visit my blog once again and follow me back.


Gita Jaishankar said...

Looks tasty dear....bookmarked :)

nayana said...

Your dish resembles a spicy chicken dish....

nayana said...

Looks very yummy and mouthwatering...

Unknown said...

Looks yummy and sounds too tasty.
Sai Padmapriya

Unknown said...

Lovely to go with Indian bread.

www.mahaslovelyhome.com said...

that looks good n new 2 me

Hema said...

Looks so delicious..

Laavanya said...

I always thought chops was a deep fried or dry dish... this looks so yummy.. and seems simple to make too. Bookmarking.

Swathi said...

Mushroom chops is wonderful idea love it.

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

I love mushrooms... yummy!

KOLLU IDLI (Horse gram Idli)