

Blend de-seeded water melon chunks with honey and lemon juice.....mmm...so refreshing !!!!!!!!!

Linking it with Viji's Show your style series - Watermelon 


Linking it with Celebrate - Easter event by me , started by Jagruti .

Chaitra's Easy2cook in 15 minutes event

Summer splash event by Kalyani


virunthu unna vaanga said...

Very refreshing n yummy drink akka... Thanks for participating on our SYS-W Series...

Unknown said...

looks refreshing..lovely yumm colour..

Ms.Chitchat said...

perfect thirst quencher, loved the click.

My World My Home said...

Same pinch...I too made watermelon juice yesterday.... Will post tmrw...

Looks refreshing.... :-)

Unknown said...

refreshing drink for hot summer :)

Unknown said...

So refreshing!! Lovely colour! :)

Hari Chandana P said...

Refreshing and healthy juice..

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

Perfect summer cooler

divya said...

this looks absolutely gorgeous...

Prema said...

wow perfect cooler,yum...

Sanoli Ghosh said...

Very refreshing thrist quencher.

today's post:

Priya Suresh said...

Superb drink,love it very much.

Unknown said...

Shama ka i am missing this fruit so much.... :) waiting to sip it soon

Me & More ... said...

So refreshing Shama... nice drinks.

AJ said...

Perfect thirst quencher for summer!

Unknown said...

Simple and superb. Please do send your delicious and healthy dish to my "Healthy Me & Healthy Us" event @ my blog (read the rules please)

divyagcp said...

REfreshing juice. It has got a lovely color.

KOLLU IDLI (Horse gram Idli)