A lovely award from a lovely blogger , Pari . Thank you dear.

Game Rules :-
Rule 1: Post 11 things about yourself.
Rule 2: Answer the tagger's 11 questions.
Rule 3: Tag and pass the awards to 11 other bloggers.
Rule 4: Create 11 questions for the bloggers to answer.
Rule 5: Go to bloggers page and inform them about the awards.
Rule 6: No tagging back.
Rule 2 @
1) Tell one of your weakness.
Friendly nature.
2) One dish you wanted to try most and somehow never tried or failed?
Baking .
3) The person in your life you admire the most.
Mom and My grandmother.
4) Your recipes are mostly inspired by?
Mom and my grandmother.
5) What you will make for breakfast if you have only 15 min and 5 ingredients?
Upma / Dosa/Porridge
6) What is your secret ingredient?
Happiness , Love and Satisfaction.
7) Which is your rescue food? (means for sudden demands)
Wheat dosa.
8) Your favorite spice?
Not very specific...
9) What do you like most in my blog?
Tummy inviting tempting lovely delights
10) Would you like to follow me and why?
Definetly will follow your blog for your lovely delights.
Passing it to :
Questions for you :
1) Who inspired to write a blog?
2) How your own cooking changed your eating habit?
3) How Cooking gives you pleasure and happiness?
4) Food and you ?
5) Positive and Negative feedback from your family for your food ?
6) Which vegetable you love to cook daily?
7) Will you pre-plan your menu for tomorrow's lunch/breakfast?
8) Any tips from your family kitchen to be shared?
9) Your most memorable recipe , most enjoyed recipe and from where you tasted it.
10) Most loved restaurant ? Review plz.
11) Blogging and you ?
Thank you friends !!
Congrats dear..
COngrats on your awards and thanks a lot for sharing it with me
Dear congrats and thanx for sharing...do visit http://www.sumanarthyskitchen.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-very-first-award.html
Hi Shama ,
Congratulations ! ! ! !
and Thank you for sharing with me Dear...
Keep on :)
Dear Shama,
Congrats on your award and thanks for sharing with me :))
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