Turmeric milk, referred as Golden Milk, is an easily homemade drink as a remedy and gives good relief from cold , dry cough and sore throat . Turmeric is a medicinal herb and have more values . It reduces congestion in chest , good for digestion ,menstural disorders.
Curcumin , the main ingredient in turmeric, has powerful anti-inflammatory nature and a strong antioxidant. Pepper also have many medicinal values . When added with turmeric , it enhances its potency .
Peppercorns -- 10 (Crushed)
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp( Please find the spoon used in the photo)
Panagarkandu / Palm sugar -- 1 tsp
Ginger powder - 1/4 tsp
Hot Milk

2) Add Hot milk to the cup, stir it up and keep aside for 5 minutes. All the flavours will get mixed with the milk.
3) Serve as a warm milk. Warm milk will give good results.
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