Rules for the sunshine award :
1) Use the logo within your post .
2) Pass on to atleast 12 other bloggers .
3)Add a link to the nominees in your post.
4) Let the nominees know of their award
5) Share the love and link to the friend, who has passed this award to
Rules for the Honest Scrap Award :
1) I must brag about it.
2) I have to display the logo in my blog and link to the one who tagged me to prove that I didn't tag myself .
3) Share 10 things about myself
4) Pass the award to other fellow bloggers by visiting their site.
Congratulations on ur award and Thx. for sharing with me dear :-)
congrats on all these bunch of awards...
lovely photo
Congratulations on all ur awards dear,,well deserved.
congrats on ur awards!!
Congrats on u r awards.
Congrats on u r awards.
congrats on your well deserved awards and thankyou very much for sharing with me dear..Right now i am caught up in moving, once i settle down in my new place i will post these awards in my blog..
Congratulations on all your awards.Nice to read about you.Dairy milk is my favorite chocolate too.
Congrats on ur awards.. And thank you soo much for sharing with me dear!!
Congrats on ur award Shama.
Congrats on ur awards..
Congrats on your awards Shama..and thanks a looot for sharing with us :)
Congrats on the awards and wishes for many more to come.
Congrats Shama for the awards !!!
Congrats on your awards!!
Congrats on your awards Shama...thanks for tagging me in dear :)
Congrats on ur awards :)
congrats on your awards! Thanks for sharing with me Shama.
congrats on all your awards shama
வாழ்த்துகள்..படமும் சூப்பர்ப்...
Congrats on your awards shama..
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