Egg drop kurma is one of the simplest and easy recipe that can be prepared in 2o minutes.
This is well known as Bachelor's Egg Curry.
- Egg - 5
- Onion(big)- 2
- Tomato- 1
- Cumin Seeds- 1tsp
- Mustard seeds- 1 tsp
- Curry and coriander leaves
- Sambar powder-2 tbsps
- Garam masala powder - 1/2 tsp
- Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
- Coconut (grinded paste) - 1/4 cup
- Salt to taste
1)Heat oil in a kadai.Add mustard seeds,cumin seeds,curry leaves.When it splutters
add finely chopped remaining onion.Fry till onion is part-cooked. Then,add chopped tomato and fry them till tomato mixes well with onion.
2) Then add grinded coconut paste.

3) Add Sambar powder, turmeric powder, Garam masala and Salt. Mix it well.

5) When it starts boiling, drop egg directly into the kurma. Wait for 2 minutes, once egg gets boiled it floats up. Add other eggs in the same way one after another. If you stir before egg gets boiled, it gets mixed up with kurma spoiling their texture. Cover with a lid. Leave in slow flame until oil separates out.

6) The Boiled egg is appear like this. Remove from the flame and garnish it with Coriander leaves.

Serve hot with Rotis or pooris.

6) The Boiled egg is appear like this. Remove from the flame and garnish it with Coriander leaves.

Serve hot with Rotis or pooris.
Nice! Did you try sending to the chicken event going on?
Looks wonderful ... great pictures!
Looks delicious..
u dint mantion anywhere to add the water!quite surprising,but still easy and simple dish.good one
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